A New Service Arrives!

June 5th, 2022

A New service arrives!!

Ever since 2022 began we vowed to continue to bring services to new and existing customers at Intivio. Today, we are proud to announce a new service. Channel BOOST® by Intivio. This revolutionary service will help channels grow like never before. We have seen massive growth from our clients already but we want more. YouTube’s algorithm cannot determine the value of content based on what is said but only based on the amount of views likes and the number of subscribers a channel has. That is why we decided to develop a service to help boost the numbers in these three catagories

Channel BOOST® by Intivio will come in 3 different variants. One for subscriber gain, one for viewership gain, and the last for gains in likes, we hope to bring a new meaning to marketing and continue to support content creators across North America. YouTube is a very different environment today than it was even 5 years ago. As such, our strategy must adapt accordingly. There are so many channels, videos and content on the platform now that any new channel must find a way to punch through other traffic to its audience. We already made all the necessary steps to make the content engaging, compelling and interesting. The final step is to place the content in from of potential viewers so that it is ready to view.

Channel BOOST® by Intivio works by marketing channels and videos in special markets to help gain exposure for small and medium channels. We developed a new service to help bring this vision to life. This has been many months in the making and after many tests and trials, the service is ready for customers.

We will work to continuously improve the service as time goes on. However, the service is now live on the site so check it out!! Again, we will continue to add more services in the future.  Thank you for your support

-Intivio Team


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