What is the difference between the Packages and Plans?
So we offer two different pricing options here, packages will cover one month at a time while plans are ongoing monthly subscriptions. In addition, plans come will more services while packages will come will a listed amount of what is provided.
I want to purchase a monthly plan but dont see the right combination for my business
We are always willing to accommodate your requests, if you don’t see the desired combination within our PLANS page please use our CONTACT US form and let us know what combination you would like. We will reply to you within 24-48 hours on the pricing.
What will happen once we purchase a service?
Once you have purchased a service we will send you a confirmation email welcoming you. After that we will schedule a strategy call with you to discuss your current situation, next steps, goals and plans for your business and any other ways that we can help you.
What do I have to provide when it comes to the services listed on the website?
Since we will be managing your social media accounts and helping with your business’s online presence, we will require that you provide your login information to those accounts. We will be sure to only use the information to provide service.
If there is a service that we would like to be included but isn't listed, what can be done?
We are always open to new ideas. If you want to see a service that isn’t currently provided, please us the CONTACT US form and let us know. We will let you know within 24-48 hours whether or not we can add the service into your plan. Depending on the nature of the addition, your pricing may change.
If I am subscribed to one of the plans, does this mean I don't have to run my social media accounts or website?
Depending on what is covered in your plan, if it is covered we will assist you in managing those platforms. However, we may contact you from time to time if we require assistance in responding to any personal messages or issues.
What is the best way to get in contact with a team member besides Email or Phone?
We always suggest that our customers make an appointment with us that way we can meet with you preferably over Video Calls. This allows us to better communicate ideas and share our thoughts.
I bought an Individual Package but now I want to switch to a monthly plan, what should I do?
In this case, we will charge you the cost of the monthly plan that you selected, and refund you the individual plan. The time period that you can change will be 14 days after your purchase.
I'm not satisfied with the service I got, however it doesn't seem like I will get a refund?
Unfortunately, our current return policy doesn’t offer full refunds on completed services. We always make sure to check in with our customers throughout the process to make sure they are satisfied. If you realize you do not want to continue or you are dissatisfied with our service we can offer a partial refund.
What should I do if I want to stop my subscription?
Well, we are so sorry to see you go, but the best way to is to email us at Support@intivio.com and we will be sure to confirm and process your cancellation within 24-48 hours.
If you are already into the subscription and want to cancel we will refund you a partial amount depending on the amount of days that has passed since your renewal. -
Can we mail items to the you if it is a physical item or want to to be reviewed physically?
Yes, our business does have a mailing address listed.
99 Wall STE.
Suite #515
New York, NY, 10005 -
My websites and accounts keep getting hacked, do you offer protection for this as well?
We are familiar with the dangers of todays’ digital world. Luckily, we can share with you a service that can protect you. Just ask us about it using the CONTACT US Form.