Our Services are provided in Two Ways.


Read More About Our Services Below


Our Services.


Content Creation & Video Production.

  • We tap into the power of content creation to help expand your online presence and boost digital search visibility for your business. By engaging with a knowledgeable team of graphic designers and videographers, we create eye-catching, compelling content that is tailored to your brand's message and customers. Through this process, we guarantee your online presence will engage, inform, and market your brand effectively.

  • Content Creation is something that can be hard for many businesses but studies show that content creation increases sales and brand awareness by a huge margin.

  • Productions will include:
    - Intros/Outros
    - Videos & Effects
    - Trailers and Clips
    - Advertisements
    - File Size Compression

  • We develop a detailed content strategy tied to the clients’ objectives and partner with a film studio to bring you the highest quality productions to life! In addition, to make it easy for you, follow our simple system.

  • 1. Send us your material along with any special notes or requests
    2. We send you a draft within 2 business days and await your review
    3. We make additional changes if needed
    4. Once you approve the final version it will be compressed and sent back to you

  • The Content Creation Service will cover media creations for you or your business and the quantity will be determined by the package or subscription purchased. Media will be sent back in usable form.

    Publishing and sharing of the content will be covered under the Social Media Management service.

    Sometimes, depending on the size of the request, production may exceed the 2-day window, if this occurs, we will notify you. Otherwise, productions are issued from Intivio Studios.


Social Media Management.

  • Through our social media management and engagement strategy, we can help you develop a comprehensive and cohesive plan to reach your target audience on the major social media platforms. Our years of experience, education and training in social media and marketing have enabled us to create successful strategies for businesses of all sizes. We are committed to helping promote your business through several different platforms.

  • Social Media Management can be complicated and confusing for many. However, a lot of people are now on social media, so your brand visibility is very much connected to your social media presence.

  • We will manage the following platforms:
    - Facebook
    - Instagram
    - TikTok
    - YouTube
    - LinkedIn

  • Every business has a different message, product, and customer base. We develop a specific strategy for each client to increase their social media presence. In order to assist with this, we have a system in place to assist you.

  • 1. Send us any material you want to be shared or published.
    2. Detail the platforms and accounts you want us to market in.
    3. Tell us if you want to add any keywords or hashtags.
    4. We post the content and update you on results.

  • The Social Media Management Service covers posts and other actions on accounts for you or your business. Whether content will be included is determined by the package or subscription purchased. Access to your social media accounts will be required.

    The creation of media, content, and other material will be covered under the Content Creation service.

    Sometimes, depending on the situation, posting schedules may vary by week. If the marketing service is delayed, we will notify you. Otherwise, the service will operate on a weekly basis.


Web Design & Management.

  • We provide online marketing through SEO optimization, organic traffic, and advertising. We increase traffic to your website. We also design and build websites that are as unique as your business. With over 6 years of experience, we offer honest results to your web presence. We take into account the intricacies of search engines, functionality, and user experience, allowing you to grow with us.

  • Websites are the most powerful form of marketing available. Many people determine the reliability of a business through the visual look and functionality of their site.

  • We will be providing:
    - Organic Lead Generation
    - Search Engine Optimization
    - Google My Business Listing
    - Website Design & Management
    (With Ultra Plan ONLY)

  • We design websites that perform. Clients contact us daily to give feedback and request changes. We also provide marketing services to clients with existing sites. In order to keep your site up to date follow our simple system.

  • 1. Send us your information about your business, ie. background, contact, etc.
    2. We will build your site and get it operational within 10 business days
    3. We will continue to monitor your site and increase its ranking
    4. We will continue to update your site as needed

  • The Online Marketing Service covers marketing on sites for you or your business. Website building coverage is determined by the package or subscription purchased. If the Ultra Plan is purchased then your site will receive updates.

    Website building is currently only supported under the Ultra Plan Subscription, however, this may change in the future.

    Due to the nature of this service, if you have an existing site, we can help you market and optimize your presence. Otherwise, we will continue to support your site under our Ultra Plan.


Intivio BOOST® Marketing

  • Our Intivio BOOST® service is tailored to swiftly expand your community while attracting real and genuine supporters. Through our innovative social media promotion software, we ensure targeted outreach to your desired supporters! Our service is tailored to swiftly expand your community while attracting real and genuine supporters. Through our innovative social media promotion software, we ensure targeted outreach to your desired supporters!

  • Growing a following online has become increasingly difficult, especially on platforms like YouTube, where algorithms heavily favor views, likes, and subscribers. This challenge extends beyond YouTube alone, making organic growth across various platforms a daunting task.

  • We will be providing:
    - Subscriber Gain/followers
    - Viewership Gain /retention
    - Likes Gain
    - Overall traffic Growth
    - leads for websites or other platforms

  • We use special marketing techniques to help get people to engage with your channel. The most important thing for a social platform is exposure. This way new viewers, as well as existing viewers, will continue to be engaged

  • 1. Send us your information ie. YouTube links, Full Name and Email address.
    2. We will develop a marketing plan for your video or channel and begin the process
    3. We will continue to monitor your channel or video to make sure it is on track
    4. Any losses are accounted for before the order is closed

  • The Intivio BOOST® service covers marketing for Social media accounts and videos for you or your business. The amount of growth is determined by the package or subscription purchased. If a Plan is purchased then an amount will be covered.

    If you are subscribed to our plan and want to use a package above the supported one, the cost of the service is added to your monthly fee

    Due to the nature of this service, the amounts are capped to avoid over-saturation, but we are always ready to assist you if you need multiple orders. In this case please wait for the first one to finish before reordering.