Should I have a Google Account? What If I don't Have One?
In order to make the process easier and smoother, Intivio uses Google Services to make sending and receiving files easier. In addition, Google Search Console and YouTube are also Google Services so if you do not have a Google account are would like to create one while working with us, the instructions on how to create a google account are listed below.
1) Go to - click "Create an account" on the right of the page.
2) Fill out the form with your desired username, password, recovery email, and recovery phone number. Everything else can be left blank if you are unsure or do not want to fill it in. Once done, click on the continue button at the bottom of the page. Note: If any required field is unfilled Google will notify you about it when you move on.
3) On the next screen, read through everything carefully and check all boxes for what you want to agree to before moving on down below that section then click continue again at the bottom of this new page that appeared.
4) A message should appear when you successfully create your account letting you know that it has been made - Click Save.
5) Lastly, check your email for a message from Google to activate your account. Click on the link in the message and your Gmail is ready to use!
6) On all future pages that mention "Google" only click the links if you are signed into Gmail with the same account you just created or else they will not work even though it says google in them.
Note: If any required field is unfilled Google will notify you about it when you move on.
Note: The recovery phone field may seem strange but this helps out with recovering an account if something goes wrong later down the line especially since people make typos in their passwords or addresses/emails.
Note: The password must have at least 1 number, 1 special character, and 8 letters.
If you are experiencing issues with the website itself please e-mail us directly at for the quickest response possible.