Request Rules and Procedures

Here at Intivio, we want to stress the importance of efficiency and effectiveness.  In this way, we can help you without you experiencing delays.  Because of this, we want to be sure to put some general rules and procedures in place so that way we are in agreement with how operations are done here

1. Requests for Social Media Posts or Video Productions

In the case of social media requests or video production requests, we will ask that you submit your drafts or media files no later than 6 pm EST if you want them to be done the following day. In addition, if you are looking for a completed version the next day for review you must also submit it before 6 pm EST on that day

2. Requests for other services or single requests.

Single requests and other services regarding websites, powerpoints, and any other services must have their requests submitted by 9 am EST if they are to be done the same day or by the next day. Again only the request has to be submitted. Any other details can come later but, the faster we receive them, the faster they are completed. Requests can be submitted through email or through any form of contact listed on the Contact Us Page

Again thank you for your cooperation and we appreciate your time