Should I post longer or shorter videos on YouTube?

April 20th, 2022

When it comes to creating content for YouTube, there are typically two extremes: longer videos with lots of content and shorter videos that are super easy to digest.

Of course, most successful YouTubers tend to produce a combination of both - either by uploading lengthy vlogs one day (and then something shorter the next) or by uploading long videos once in a while (and then posting something shorter).

This basically gives audiences the best of both worlds when it comes to watching YouTube videos. However, there's one question that tends to bother many YouTubers: should my YouTube videos be short or long?

There are different ways to answer this question - but before going into more detail on this subject, let's take a look at the pros and cons of making either type of video! :)

Making Short Videos For YouTube Pro Con Very easy to digest Longer shelf life Easy & quick to make Less content = harder for the audience to engage The ideal length is between 1-3 minutes Maximum attention span increases with age Making Long Videos For YouTube Pro Con More time needed to make (and edit!) Lots of content = higher engagement Requires higher effort for the audience to watch Longer shelf life Easier to grab attention & keep it High production value = high costs

At the end of the day, you can't please everybody. There are some people who just want something quick and easy - especially if they're on their way out.

However, what usually works best is making sure there's a combination of shorter videos AND longer videos in your YouTube channel. This way, viewers get the best of both worlds - while YouTubers don't have to work too hard. :)

To give you an idea about what kind of length each type of video should have for maximum benefits... here are some general rules: Shorter Videos (1-3 minutes) should usually be used for tutorials, how-to's, product reviews, and other types of content that are designed to instruct. These videos are great for when you need to explain something quickly - useful in almost any industry!

Longer Videos (5+ minutes) should usually be used for vlogs or short-form documentary-type videos. These kinds of videos can help create a feeling of intimacy between you and your audience - which is why the best long-form vloggers will often spend a huge amount of time creating these longer YouTube videos.

Of course, this isn't a hard & fast rule... it's pretty much up to you to decide what works the best! :) After all, the most important thing is to make sure you're giving your audience what they want - even if that means uploading lots of 1-minute videos, or the occasional 15-minute video.

The key thing here is knowing how long your videos should be! Once you know that, it's much easier to plan out future content... which can sometimes be a real challenge for many YouTubers. It also helps with figuring out the production value you need - whether it's time or money-based.

Of course, there are some other caveats you have to remember too... Video length isn't everything! Sometimes longer videos will work better than shorter ones (and vice versa). The best way to find out what works the best for your channel is by watching and analyzing the analytics and stats of your previous videos.

People watch YouTube videos for all kinds of reasons! Some people want quick, short content - others prefer longer, more in-depth stuff. And sometimes you'll upload a video that falls somewhere between those two extremes (like a 3-minute how-to video)... and then totally outperforms both your 1-minute videos AND your 10-minute ones!

The main thing here is knowing what your audience likes to watch... and catering to their needs as best as possible. People don't like change - so if they've been watching you upload shorter or longer videos than usual, there's a good chance they'll keep watching if you continue uploading the same kind of content.

However, this is only true if you keep up the quality! If your videos start looking low-budget or unprofessional... or if you start uploading boring content that doesn't teach anything useful... then people will quickly lose interest.

On the other hand, if your channel becomes known for its high-quality long-form vlogs, short tutorial videos, and how-to guides - then people will come to expect that level of excellence whenever they visit your channel. And just like that, you've got yourself a loyal audience who's willing to wait however long it takes for great new content.

At the end of the day though... all these rules can be broken (or bent) as much as you like! YouTube is ultimately about entertainment and building relationships with your audience. So as long as you're giving them what they want - then there's no right or wrong way to upload content.

It all comes down to knowing (and catering) to your audience... and making sure each and every one of their needs are met by the content on your channel!


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