What is Social Media Engagement?

December 8th, 2021

Social media engagement has been a hot topic among marketers for the last five years, and is still going strong. It can improve your brand awareness and lead to more customers, but how does it really work? And what's the best way to do it?

The thing about social media engagement is that most people pay attention to Twitter and Facebook when they think of engaging online. However, there are several other forms of social media out there that you should consider using: blogs, forums, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram...

...the list goes on. Here's an infographic from [Social Media Examiner] (http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/social-media-engagement/) detailing these different types of sites and how they can help you in your marketing efforts.

And if Twitter and Facebook aren't working for you (or they're too much to handle) [Buffer] (https://bufferapp.com/twitter) has a great article on when to use which social network [more here].   

So what can you do to increase your engagement? Well, there are fifteen different strategies out there that'll help: using hashtags, joining conversations and responding, mentioning influencers by name, posting pictures and infographics... read more below:

Here's the deal: social media engagement is about communicating with people who appreciate your brand or product. You want them talking about it—the more people involved in conversation with each other over it, the better. And you want to be involved. You do this by using social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest... there are loads of them.

The basics of social media engagement center on building your brand's online presence through active participation in the conversations surrounding it. Engagement drives more people to interact with your site and for you to get free organic publicity or links that'll help grow your search engine optimization (SEO).

As far as ROI goes, increased website traffic is likely your biggest asset here—and if done right, you can gain loyal customers who recommend you to their friends and return for repeat purchases. That said, social media engagement isn't all about making money; it's really about developing better customer relationships.

So before you start, remember these three things:

·          To increase your social media engagement, you have to participate in conversations about your brand. The more active you are, the better.

·          Talking is only part of it—listen to what other people are saying too. Use tools that can notify you when someone's talking about your brand online so you can get involved ASAP. That way, you don't look like a spammer and no one will ignore what you say (which defeats the point).

·          You need to make and post great content if you want people to truly engage with the content you share online. Social media engagement isn't anything without good content!

So what are you waiting for? Go get engaged!  


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