What is SEO and why is it Important?

November 20th, 2021

What is search engine optimization, or SEO? If you ask someone on the street about what they know about SEO, they might give you a description something along the lines of "making your website look pretty to search engines." While this describes one aspect of Search Engine Optimization, it is not comprehensive.

To get a more complete understanding of what SEO involves, let's begin with an analogy. Think for a moment about how people get into conversations in real life. There are basic practices that almost everyone uses in some form or another. For example: introducing yourself, smiling when appropriate so as to appear friendly and non-threatening, asking questions about what the other person does for work or school or where they live/come from, etc., etc. These practices are not taught in school; they are picked up through observation, imitation, and experience.

So how do people get into conversations? They use the same practices that most everyone else uses. How does this apply to search engine optimization (SEO)? The analogy breaks down here somewhat because when someone is looking for something on the internet, they're usually already searching with particular keywords in mind. This means that SEOs have to determine which of their keywords will help potential customers find them in search engines - i.e., what is the 'conversation' they want to start with their audience? For example: If someone wants you to clean their house for $25 an hour, is it more effective if they type "I need someone to clean my house" or "House cleaning services"?

SEO is closely tied with internet marketing. If you want to know more about SEO, you can learn about various online marketing strategies in this website. You can read articles such as the example below: - [link]

But what does all of this have to do with search engines? The goal of search engine optimization is to increase the chances that a website will rank highly when someone searches for particular terms using a search engine like Google or Bing. So if, for example, you want people who are looking for your 'cleaning service' keywords (e.g., "house cleaning services") to find you, then it's helpful if those keywords appear on your blog posts and web pages.

How does SEO work?

There are many factors on a website that search engines can use to determine what the page is about. These include the words on the page, how often they appear, their proximity to each other, whether or not there are ads running at the top of the page, etc., etc. This means that an SEO practitioner must have an understanding of how search engines work in order to help websites rank better for particular keywords.

The primary objective of SEO is to get your website 'noticed' by search engine bots, which are programs that crawl through web pages and analyze them so that when people type in keywords related to what your site offers, you will show up on the first page of results. Because Google and Bing and Yahoo and other major search engines use different factors to determine how websites rank, you will need more than just one SEO expert if you're planning on getting your website noticed.

Is there a limit to the number of times certain keywords can be used? There are limits, but they are not typically too restrictive for blogs or regular web pages. However, Google's Panda update has made it so that using low-quality 'keyword stuffing is no longer an effective way to get higher rankings in their search engine results. Keywords for online marketing should be placed naturally within text through context rather than repeating them over and over again throughout a page or post.

What kinds of SEO techniques exist?

There are many techniques depending on what the object is. There are many tips you can find online related to SEO, including on this website, but here are some of the basic ones:

- Build links by citing other websites that have mentioned your business. - Make sure that relevant keywords appear in their title tags and meta descriptions so that they show up in search engine results. - Write posts & pages with at least 250 words. - Be consistent when writing about particular topics so that you can build up a long tail of content around them which will help users find your site each time they search for something new about one of those topics. - Link to other relevant articles or blogs rather than just listing them in the ' Resources ' section of your site.

What are keyword phrases? Keyword phrases are words or combinations of words that people type into a search engine when looking for something. For example, if someone wants to 'find the nearest Chinese restaurant', they might type "Chinese restaurants near me". If someone is looking for a knife online, they may search for "best pocket knives" or "pocket knife reviews".

Which keywords should you use?

You can choose from a list of suggested keywords that Google provides based on information about your website. However, it is recommended that you conduct keyword research to find out what particular phrases potential clients might be searching in order to find services like yours.

Either way, SEO will be very important for your business. Once you start implementing the changes you will benefit from more traffic, higher impressions and sales.


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