Organic Lead Generation…It’s Simple, But Useful

February 9th, 2022

The marketing world has always been competitive, but the internet and the birth of digital have added a whole new level to it.

And if you're not already running your business with a tight grip, chances are that you won't be able to compete in this day and age. Lucky for you, we know a thing or two about building an online business from scratch and growing it into a successful venture. In fact, just recently we talked about how to build up your Instagram following, which can lead to increased sales along with brand awareness too! That's why today we want to talk about another avenue that treats people right: organic lead generation. You may have heard of paid advertising on social media platforms like Facebook - well consider organic lead generation to be the same, except you're doing it for free.

The difference between paid ads and organic lead generation is awareness - when you are paying Facebook to show your ads in front of certain demographics, people are aware that they are being advertised to. Organic lead generation treats people right because it's much more subtle. With social media posts or website content, people can feel like they stumbled across something rather than being marketed to directly. Even better? Those who have found your business organically will have a higher likelihood of converting into sales because you haven't forced any beliefs onto them - they came to you on their own accord! This works just as well with attracting traffic from search engines thanks to SEO. You may be surprised by how quickly things can snowball!

Here's an example to illustrate that: someone searches for "marketing companies near me" - they find your website and see that you offer the service they're looking for. They call you up, have a conversation with one of your representatives about their needs, and shortly after sign a contract with you because you've given them a solution to their problem. And even better? You didn't force them into anything! This is the beauty of organic lead generation.

The last thing we want to point out is how much time and money can be saved using this type of marketing over paid ads. Let us paint the picture: let's say that instead of running social media posts or Google Ads, you invested all that money into hiring salespeople. Even if they were making cold calls all day, chances are you'd end up spending a small fortune when it came to salaries and expenses like gas or the phone bill. The good news is that with organic lead generation, you can do things like website content or social media posts for free (or very minimal costs). And since you're not paying people to make sales, your profits will skyrocket in return!

So what are some ways that you can generate these leads organically? One of the best content options is messaging people on social media. Now, we don't want to take over your page and spam it - the best way to go about this is to find people in your niche who are posting about things that tie into what you do. Scroll through their posts until you find one that you think that they'd naturally respond well to, then send them a message! You can also comment on posts too if there's something you believe the person would be interested in.

Organic lead generation is an excellent way for businesses to flourish in today's culture - if people aren't willing to try something new because they're 'afraid it'll be too complicated, those who do will surely benefit from it. There are so many different avenues that you can take when it comes to marketing and advertising that we'd hate for you to just give up because paid ads feel overwhelming. If anything, organic lead generation may just be the cure-all that you've been looking for!


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