Why your business should have a Facebook Page?

April 13th, 2022

It is important for businesses to have an online presence. That is why at Intivio, we encourage all businesses to build a Facebook Page. Let's go through how to do it.

Step 1: Go to Facebook.com

Step 2: Click on Pages in the top bar, and select "Create Page"

Step 3: Fill out all required information. All that is really needed is the name of your business, a category (profile picture, what are you here for), mission statement, site links (website link), phone number. Take note of the page URL that appears below the Create button - this will be useful for linking back to your website later via custom links or ad campaigns through the Facebook ads platform. Also fill out other common fields such as hours of operation, location map, etc… However, feel free to leave any fields blank if they cause no inconvenience. The full list can be found at https://www.facebook.com/help/410854225235520

Step 4: Collect fans! This is vital to your business page's success. There are many ways to get people to like the page such as giving away free samples, having contests, or just providing great customer service that will draw more and more people into liking the page. However, don't forget that in order for folks to add a comment on any post you make, they need to have liked your brand first so start this process ASAP!

Step 5: Advertise your page. This is an important step as this will drive more people to your business page. We recommend having some sort of image ad on Facebook so it's easier for users to recognize who you are after they click on the ad. You can also run an opportunity ads campaign through the Facebook Ads platform, giving you free clicks if you want to link back to your website or if you're just trying to increase likes. Moreover, many small businesses have had success with boosting posts for very cheap around certain holidays or special events that occur in their area (i.e.: St Patrick's Day).

Make sure that all the information listed here matches what is listed on your website and everywhere else such as the About Us section etc.

Step 6: Customize your page. This is what separates you from all the rest. A branded, well-designed page will make people feel even more comfortable liking your brand because it's clear that there's someone behind it just like them. So spend some time creating a header image, adding an about section with popular topics and links to FAQs or Contact Us pages, etc. You can also select various Apps that you can add to your Facebook business page such as Twitter feed app, YouTube video player app, etc… Just browse through the list of apps available directly on the Facebook for business page website https://www.facebook.com/business/get-started#!/apps Once you think everything is set up, save changes by hitting Save at the top of your page.

Step 7: Increase Likes. The more likes, the better! If you're struggling to get people to like your page because your brand is hard to find or not very popular yet, there are many other avenues for gaining exposure such as ads or boosting posts that work best on social media websites such as Facebook. If you want to add a like button on your website, you can make one for free at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-button/

if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at Intivio, we will be happy to assist you.


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