How to grow your channel on YouTube

December 22nd, 2021

YouTube has become more than just a platform to upload videos of people doing silly things while their pets look on. It can be used as a marketing tool, it's being used to launch careers, and it's being used to entertain the masses. One thing that YouTube is not often considered though is a source of income.

            While yes there are some YouTube stars out there, for every one of them there are thousands who never get anywhere near "star" status or even getting the opportunity to achieve the opportunities they dreamed about. A combination of lack of time/effort/resources can cause this especially if you are putting together your own channel rather than working with an existing one (which has its advantages too). And most people wonder, "Can I make money on YouTube?"

            The answer is yes. If you establish yourself as a market leader and build your platform (and as long as you follow the YouTube rules) there is no reason why not. It's certainly one of the best ways to engage an audience both in terms of numbers and loyalty. You can be sure that they will return to your videos again and again because you are providing them with content that is compelling, interesting, entertaining or all three! And this makes it easier to monetize your channel further by increasing exposure for sponsors who may wish to advertise their products/services through YOUR content – so gaining exposure for both parties.

            To achieve success on YouTube takes time – years not months – and also hard work. And while some stars may have been born through luck and others through pure talent, there's no doubt that having a great idea and providing valuable content is the best way to get started on YouTube.

            Here are five elements of valuable content:

            * Be different – stand out from the crowd. Many people think they need to copy other successful YouTubers but it's better if you remain unique and just be yourself (but do keep an eye on what trends/styles seem to be working well).

            * Give your audience something valuable – either teach them something, help them solve a problem or provide entertaining distractions for when they're bored. Remember that many of your viewers will be spending time on YouTube when they should be working or studying so make sure your content is worthy of their time. If you produce high quality videos and provide a lot of value, they will reciprocate by watching more often and also sharing with friends/family.  

            * Be consistent – your channel needs to have a steady stream of great content that your fans can rely on week in week out. The best way to achieve this is to create an editorial calendar where you schedule uploads for the whole year ahead (and beyond) with everything from weekly vlogs, interesting blog posts, interesting questions for your audience and guests, challenges and awards among other things.

            * Be personable – "bonding" is one of the most powerful tools in the social media toolbox and live video streaming has made this much easier to achieve. You can chat with viewers, share your day-to-day experiences, have fun with them and ask for their input/opinions on topics you discuss.

            * Have conviction – it's important to be passionate about what you do in all aspects of life but especially when creating YouTube videos that is going to provide value for others. If you don't believe 100% that a product or service is absolutely necessary then your audience certainly won't either.

            Whether you're looking to complement your income, build a new career online or launch a business entirely from scratch there are many ways to make money from YouTube. Not only will an engaged audience provide you with more opportunities to promote products and services but it will also help you generate income through things like advertising revenue, sponsorships and affiliate links.

            Earnings per view on YouTube are notoriously low (around a third of a cent) so while some famous YouTubers may make millions from ad revenue alone there is no guarantee that this will happen for anyone else especially if they don't have an engaged audience. But by taking a multi-faceted approach to monetizing your channel can greatly increase your chances of success. And if you're serious about making money online then it's essential that you provide your audience with value otherwise they'll simply go elsewhere.

            And remember to focus on the long term – it takes time to build a consistent loyal following and for this reason, you need to develop content that will attract people back week after week; so use short-term thinking at your own peril.

            While there are hundreds of thousands of people who have found success on YouTube, many others have failed to build a sustainable audience or find ways to monetize their content. And while some have stopped producing videos altogether, others are still struggling along with minuscule audiences that provide almost no value to the people who watch. So before you get started on your YouTube journey, make sure you know what you're getting in to and how exactly you plan to make money from it.


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